Invitation to Live Your Truth!

Come experience a powerful morning of

conversation, meditation, reflection, and gentle movement!

You’re familiar with the benefits of mindful awareness practices such as meditation and yoga…

…but do you sometimes wonder how mindful awareness can lead to real clarity, renewed energy, and deep joy with specific life challenges you face at home and at work?

Challenges such as:

  • constant multi-tasking
  • low energy and burn-out
  • work-life balance
  • difficult colleagues, friends, or family members
  • finding meaning in what you do

Any of this sound familiar?

Do you wish you could take the benefits of your practice deeper into everyday life at home and at work?

At this event, you will:

  • Gain greater clarity about your specific life challenges
  • Identify a path to transform a habitual response
  • Take home practical tools to reinforce strength, stability, and mindful action
  • Discover the power and support of community

The Details:

Event Name: Come Live Your Truth! From Mindful Awareness to Action

When: Saturday, June 13, 2015  Time: 9:30 am – 12:30 noon

Where: Chestnut Hill Friends Meetinghouse, 20 E Mermaid Lane, Philadelphia 19118

Cost: $70 full price; $50 if registered before June 6

SPECIAL!! Add a friend for half price (+$25 before June 6)

This workshop is ideal for anyone ready to dive deeper into connecting mind-body awareness with those everyday life challenges that zap your energy.

With Love,

Esther's signature                         esther_pic

Esther Wyss-Flamm, PhD, EdM, E-RYT
An experienced yoga instructor and professional group facilitator with a PhD in Organizational Behavior, Esther supports individuals and groups as they connect with their innate strength, power, and joy. Esther is a Kripalu-certified yoga teacher with specific training in yoga for chronic health conditions. She teaches privately and in group settings in Philadelphia, including the Wharton School, Moss Rehab, Springboard Studio, and the Penn Nursing L.I.F.E. program.