Fall/Winter 2024/25
Ready for Winter Yoga?
Strong & Steady Yoga Classes
Get Energized Throughout the Year!
With a weekly Strong and Steady Yoga practice you will reap many benefits of movement in thoughtfully sequenced postures as we make our way through the seasons of the year!
This mind-body practice, when practiced regularly, keeps you flexible, strengthens the back and joints, builds breath awareness, and opens the heart. Strong & Steady Yoga is an approach to movement that builds inner resilience in mind and spirit as we have fun and refine our physical alignment in key foundational postures.
- Classes this session will focus on boosting inner steadiness and balance as we begin a new year.
- When we hold a yoga posture, I will emphasize building skills in receiving guidance from the heart.
- All classes will be taught live via Zoom (with opportunities to make up a missed class); in-person option Wednesday evenings located on the University of Pennsylvania campus in West Philadelphia.
Strong & Steady Yoga
Weekly Class Schedule, Times & Cost
Tuesdays 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Love Your Bones: This chair-to-mat class focuses on postures that support bone health. We practice specific postures that target muscles and tissue in the spine and hips for healthy bone development. This is a consistent, accessible class that pairs well with the Friday morning class for anyone who would like to practice twice a week. Dates: Winter Session (8 weeks): Jan 28 – March 18, 2025.
WEDNESDAY NOON YOGA IS BACK!!! Wednesdays 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Mid-Week Yoga Recharge: This mat-based class offers participants a mid-day break to boost joy, strength and stability in body, breath, and mind. Together we focus on alignment and fundamentals with creative posture sequences that include lunges, balance postures, twists, and back bends. Dates: Winter Session (8 weeks): Jan 29 – March 19, 2025.
Wednesdays 5:15 – 6:15 p.m. Evening Yoga Recharge: This mat-based class builds strength and stability in body, breath, and mind. Together we focus on alignment and fundamentals to build postures from the ground up, including lunges, balance postures, twists, and back bends. In-person option for this class on the University of Pennsylvania campus. Dates: Winter Session (8 weeks): Jan 29 – March 19, 2025.
Fridays 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Open Your Body, Mind and Joints: This gentle chair-to-mat class is designed to release tension, stretch the body, and support joint health. Full focus is on safe and accessible movement, along with alignment that supports well-being. This class is great for anyone with age-related health conditions or those recovering from physical injury or surgery. Dates: Winter Session (8 weeks): Jan 31 – March 21, 2025.
Saturdays 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Joyful Weekend Yoga Opener: This mat-based class builds strength and stability in body, breath, and mind. The focus is on alignment and reviewing fundamentals to build powerful postures from the ground up, including lunges, balance postures, twists, and back bends. A great way to kick off the weekend! Dates: Winter Session (8 weeks): Feb 1 – March 22, 2025.

Registration & Payment:
Contact me at ewyssflamm@gmail.com to let me know which class(es) you would like to attend. I will follow up by sending you a welcoming message with the link to our class.
Cost per 8-week Winter Session: $165; Drop-in rate: $25; Twice-a-Week Yoga: $295
If you have to miss a class, please let me know. If you would like to make up a class, please consider attending a class on a different day that week or within the same 8-week session.
Send payment via Venmo to: @Esther-Wyss-Flamm-MINDFUL. Or via check to: Esther Wyss-Flamm, 45 West Gravers Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19118. Also via Zelle to: ewyssflamm@gmail.com.
Notes about Live Zoom Yoga Classes:
Virtual classes allow you to be with YOUR experience without the distraction of other participants in the room. At the same time, you are responsible for the safety of your practice. Stay within your personal limitations. It’s better to build up strength over time rather than force or strain. Aim for exertion with relaxation. Stay safe and adapt the teachings to your level of energy and flexibility, inviting joy and release into your day.
Accessing Zoom: All classes are taught live via the Zoom platform. You can sign up for a free Zoom account at: https://zoom.us/ I will send you the specific class link once you have signed up for a class.
Preparation: Please set up your personal practice in a quiet space at home with your yoga mat (rug, towel) or chair (solid folding chairs are great), blocks (thick books), a strap (belt, dog leash, sash). It’s nice to have a blanket and pillow handy as well. Unless you are expecting an urgent call, please keep your phones turned off during class.
Please arrive into the Zoom room a few minutes early to settle in and adjust settings. I typically arrive into our Zoom room 5-10 minutes before class and am available to stay on for a few minutes after class.
Let me know if you’ve got any questions… I look forward to our yoga journey together!