November 28, 2019 - February 23, 2020
8:00 am - 5:30 pm
The winter months can be especially challenging for stress relief: the cold weather contributes to tightening the body and breath; we commit to lofty goals and overly ambitious deadlines with the end of the year; difficult emotions easily rise to the surface with the holidays. These restorative sessions are held monthly to support you throughout the season.
Please register in advance!
Dates: four Sundays: Nov 17 and Dec 15, 2019; Jan 19 and Feb 23, 2020
Time: 3:00 – 5:00 pm (Nov 17 & Dec 15); 3:30 – 5:30 pm (Jan 19 & Feb 23)
Dive into two full hours of delicious relaxation, gentle stretching, breath release, and yoga with lots of supportive props to cap off a chilly weekend. Come on your own or bring a friend!
The gentle sequence is specifically designed for deep stress release in the spine, shoulders, and hips. You will leave feeling calm, nourished, and refreshed.
Cost: $40 per session paid in advance ($45 at the door)
Special: $75 for two sessions or for two participants
When you register, you will be given the choice between paying by credit card via PayPal or sending a check made out to Esther Wyss-Flamm to: 45 West Gravers Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19118
Questions? Contact Esther at esther@whiteflameyoga.com or 215.305.7759 for more information.
Venue: Healing Arts Studio